It is rare to find good parenting philosophies reflected in modern movies– but lo and behold, Pixar’s summer release Up richly illustrates some wonderful messages.
At one point, Russell, an eager and well-intentioned 8 year-old, tells his new friend about a favorite activity he loved to share with his father. They’d get ice cream cones, sit together on a curb, and watch the cars drive past on the street. Russell would count the red cars, his dad would count the blue cars, and whoever got the highest number won the game.
After Russell describes this game, he sheepishly adds, “It may seem boring to you, but the boring stuff is what I remember most.” Sitting in that dark movie theater, all I could think was “Amen!”
These summer months, don't stress yourself out planning expensive or elaborate outings with your family. With twins or more, you have a lot on your plate. Keep family plans simple, and focus on meaningful interactions with your kids. Bike rides, watching the clouds go by, and reading under a tree are all free activities that are anything but boring, especially when shared with your children.
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