This week, everybody has been talking about infection prevention, considering the recent news about the H1N1 Influenza A virus (swine flu). The old standbys are always in fashion–cover one's cough and use good hand washing techniques to minimize the spread of illness.
A couple months ago, I recommended on this blog that parents teach their young children to cough and sneeze into the crook of their elbow, their "cough pocket." This recommendation, and an observation I made about common sense not always being the common practice, have been cited in various media this week:
Eric Zorn, a Chicago Tribune columnist, notes that today's parenting generation grew up being told to cover a cough with the hand, and wonders why the elbow wasn't considered until relatively recently. Read it here.
Lisa Belkin, a contributing writer for the New York Times Magazine, author, and XM satellite radio host, expands on these questions and discusses the wisdom "from the trenches" of experience in her NY Times parenting blog here.
"Dr. X's Free Associations" blog directly quotes A Pediatrician Mom of Twins here.
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