The Chicago Tribune recently ran a heartwarming article by Barbara Brotman that is of particular interest to families with twins. The piece, "Family holds tight to Valentine's Day tradition," focuses on some of my favorite parenting themes– the benefits of one-on-one time with each child, whether a multiple or not, and the positive impact of hands-on, involved fathers. The article is about the Cacich family of the Chicago suburbs. They have 3 daughters, now college-age: a single-born older daughter and twin daughters just 21 months younger. For those of us still entrenched in our kids’ early years, changing countless diapers of twins, triplets or more, it is nice to have a glimpse into the future; this article is a sweet reminder that the choices and traditions we start now will enrich our long-term relationships with our children.
Special one-on-one time need not occur solely on Valentine’s Day– I recommend squeezing it in whenever possible. You’d be amazed what terrific conversations you can have with your child, one-on-one, waiting for the car’s oil change. The advantage of the Cacich’s family tradition is that a set date written in the calendar ensures that the date will be honored in the midst of hectic schedules.
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