When you have two newborns to care for, both parents need to roll up their sleeves and get to work. Some fathers may not have planned on being a 'hands-on' type of dad––yet when twins are born, more manpower is needed! By necessity, fathers become proficient in feeding, burping, and changing diapers for their babies. Such tasks are not mundane; feeding and diaper changes are ideal times for parent-child communication and bonding!
Hands-on fathers not only have more fun, but provide a boost to their children's development by providing a different kind of interaction from that experienced with Mom. As an example, Mom may be gentle and nurturing, while Dad is goofy and blows more 'zerberts' on the babies' bellies! The combination of two different styles leads to a more well-rounded experience for your children.
To use a basketball analogy, parents of singleton babies play 2-on-1 defense. Parents of twins play man-to-man defense. Parents of twins and more play zone defense, my personal favorite. The teamwork of parenting twins benefits both the kids and the partnership.
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