Sunday, November 16, 2008

Families With Kids––Don't Go Completely Wireless!

A mom in my twins club took an informal poll this week to see how member families save money on their home phone/internet/cell phone bills.  She has toddler boy-girl twins, and usually uses her cell phone for day-to-day calls.  She was tempted to drop her home land line in order to save money.

I encouraged her to maintain a home 'land' line to have the peace of mind of enhanced-911.  With enhanced 911, even if the caller is unable to speak, emergency services will automatically have the address and will be able to send help.  Any home with young children should maintain a 'wired' land line telephone for this very reason, because you never know when an emergency may occur, and you never know if you're going to be able to make the lifesaving 911 call yourself.

Most cell phones do have a Global Positioning System on them these days, but land telephone lines are still the most reliable way of establishing the location of an emergency.

Even from a young age, children can be taught the basics of telephone usage.  A simple way to teach a preschooler how to dial the telephone in case of emergency is "Green-9-1-1" ['Green' for the green symbol on the "On" button].  Of course, don't leave your phone unattended after the tutorial!  You'll want to make it clear to your kids that 911 is only for emergencies.

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